Thursday, June 25, 2009
Drinkwell Vs Original
I notice, dear reader, if you've got here, serve please visit us at our new domain . Editorial silent letters has grown and is thanks to you. In this new location will find new entries to date.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Hidden Blade How Make
I have to say first of all that for me is a great experience to banding these species because they are my weakness. Large predators at the end of the food chain and the ecosystem balancing species rapeces are the main characters of this post. This last week I was able to attend the banding of a kestrel nest in the meadow of Saler who had a chicken and two chicks banding owls in the end of Quart de Poblet.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Nappies And Plastic Pants Helped My Bed Wetting
Finally this Saturday 09/06/1914 I found a hole to banding in the resort of La Presa.
The land is swarming with life (should include the plague of mosquitoes) and the truth is that it is a delight to see so many birds together and as varied species.
sides of finches A feeding must add at least 3 pairs of bee-eater (Merops apiaster) have used a slope of the land to breed, I have also found a nest of owl (Athene noctua) with chicks and one of the hoopoe (Upupa epops) in two separate two holes carob.
The intermittent presence of the Sardinian warbler, black starlings, magpies, tit, tit and other birds add color to the place. I focused
finches task and so far have hardly been ringed juveniles so I focus on the network of soil and keep it simple existence only got 2 networks with Japanese idea of \u200b\u200bbalancing the performance of future passer station. Highlight
already been present the first common doves (Streptopelia turtur) juveniles accompanied by adults but not got any capture. (they are extremely cautious)
As delirious shout of the day included the capture of an owl about 6:45 am with ground network which came to drink water! to my amazement and shock of the finches were present who thought it went to them.
Altogether 139 specimens were captured, distributed as follows:
- 104 Serin (12 recoveries, ringing out a copy in 2005)
- Sardinian warbler 2
- Owl 1
- Abejaruco 1 (female maximum incubatriz plate)
- House Sparrow Greenfinch 16
- 4 (2 Retrieval.)
- Goldfinch 1
- Turkish Tortola 9
- Blackbird 1
Owl (Athene noctua) caught during the day.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Bone Spurs Post Tooth Extraction
this Sunday have been watching two different species of Redshank in the center of interpretation of Raco de L'Olla. Along with avocets, stilts, jars, terns, ducks and gulls have appeared two figures is not very common sight in these places and more at this time, there are two species of Redshank, the clear Redshank (Tringa nebularia) and Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus .)
is a pleasant surprise to find two specimens of these species feeding on the lagoon, first by the lack of sightings of both species throughout the Mediterranean and, secondly, because due to the dates on which we , individuals of these species should be in their breeding areas far from the gaps in the Albufera Natural Park.
Both dark-clear Redshank are ivernantes species in very small numbers and specific points of the English coast.
For Tringa erythropus is a species that breeds in the open forest tundra in northern Europe and Asia and is distributed throughout the year so widely dispersed throughout Europe and can reach points of equatorial Africa remain a long-distance migratory in Spain can be seen during pre-and post-nuptial migration.
This species has a winter in Spain is scarce and highly concentrated in the marshlands of the Guadalquivir and Ebro Delta (85% of sightings).

nebularia has many aspects of their ecology similar to T. erythropus as breeding sites overlap and dispersal strategy and migration follows similar patterns, however T. nebularia tolerates salinity ranges in the wetlands which is located this species (euryhaline), found in saline wetlands, brackish and fresh water and therefore the alternatives on the species when the winter. Thus we find both in the Mediterranean wetlands and the Ebro delta and the Salinas de San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia), as in the wetlands of North and West English as Villaviciosa and the estuaries of Arosa or estuary the Umia in Galicia.

Therefore, if both should now be breeding in the tundra of northern Europe and Asia for thousands of miles from the Albufera ... they are doing these two guys here? Three options are being considered for the moment, in the first place could be that these individuals had been disoriented during migration due to bad weather and have ended up lost on our shores. This option is not new for every year individuals of species listed what is known as the Nearctic (provinientes of America). Last year was sighted up to 5 Pectoral Sandpiper, Calidris melanotos in marshes of the lagoon or Northeast Asia as two years ago with the Agujeta escolopacea ( Limnodromus scolopaceus ) appeared in the Albufera proviniente of the North Eastern shores of Russia.
Another option being considered is to try juveniles as there are cases of waders in which nuptial migration not perform all individuals but only those who can ensure reproductive success. So young individuals do not perform the migration at least in its first year of life, for the Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea ).
The third option is an intermediate solution to the first two ie, that individuals found in the lagoon are individuals who have begun the migration and who have exhausted energy reserves during the same so have had to stop halfway to regain strength and feeding. It is known that migration is an activity that consumes an enormous amount of energy and also the long distance migratory birds, as in the case before us, obvious geographical references used for guidance in your trip, so the migration routes birds usually pass through the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts is so easy that due to the weakening of individuals have finished their journey into the lagoon. This stop dates that are being caused these individuals we see in the Raco de L'Olla have not been replicated this year.
Hindi Shaadi Card Matter
- PARSLEY DIET: All nights with the same Gil. (Although this
diet is fairly routine are lowered from 5 to 6 kg per month). - DIET GRINGO: Meter on Friday and out Sunday. It is a diet
that requires much perseverance, otherwise it does not work.
- VEGETABLE DIET: is only possible when the going is tough. It
essential that the thing really is hard to keep the
time as the faster, more effective. (You can not determine
weight loss).
- FRUIT DIET: have to pull and pull until it becomes a bitch. This is
one of the diets of more effort, since it demands a lot of action. (It
stoop over 10 kg per month).
- DIET OF EGGPLANT: From time to time with foreign partners. It is important
AIDS and other preventable diseases. (3 Kg stoop
week, mostly due to the nervousness of being "caught").
- LIZARD DIET: Eat little and pull enough. This diet works well
results, if they are strictly enforced. Complements the
- IGUANA DIET is the same as the LIZARD but harder.
- GUIDO DIET: Like the lizard but more often. Care
with this diet, you can give anorexia. (The drop is immediate Kg.)
- DIET OF SATAN: Nothing ahead, all from behind. This diet is
special people "alternatives."
- DIET OF MELON: must always pull the same shit. This
Diet is very routine, but cut up to 4 kg per month.
- DIET OF WATERMELON: Pull no matter the hour or day. It
down to 8 kg per month. Especially for unemployed, unemployed or retired
- DIET OF THE MARQUIS: Pull only once a month. This diet is ideal
to fatten, requires very little effort.
- CARTRIDGE DIET: Eat little and pull lot. This is typical
adolescent diet on vacation.
- DIET OF THE PANTHER: One foot on the handlebar and the other in the glove
. This diet should be started in good shape for
avoid tears later.
- PADRE HURTADO DIET: Give until it hurts Oh! Plenty
careful with this diet!, Demand great effort and not only causes
anorexia, but also bulimia.
- SQUIRREL DIET: Best lying to its knees. Ideal for
- ANT DIET: One after another. Diet only recommended for
elite athletes.
- ANTOINETTE DIET: U na paw on the bed and the other in the
bulb. This diet is ideal for people with good elongation
- HORSE DIET: only water and straw. Special Diet times
- QUINCE DIET: Suck up to shine. Diet
people persevering and retailers. (Due to the difficulty of the diet
stoop 2 kg per week).
- DIET OF THE PANTHER: With one leg on the wheel and the other in the glove compartment.
DIET OF THE LIZARD: The one just now with the mother and the daughter a while.
- cornet DIET: Eat little and foll * r lot.
- AVIATOR DIET: which is just now in bed and another on the nightstand .
Friday, June 5, 2009
Leaving Tenancy Lettertemplate
can now be seen in cities like Barcelona and Madrid and is gradually being reintroduced peregrine falcons in our cities as the last link in the food chains of large cities. The reintroduction is a slow and complex and not always provide satisfactory results in biology there is always a random component that escapes us. As I say it is an arduous and expensive as each pilgrim chicken can cost in the order of € 600-800, and unfortunately, sometimes just the effort of weeks raising chicken to die in their first flights hit or victims of disease.

The hacking technique today is the most effective method for reintroduction of captive-bred individuals in nature.
This technique has several phases: Keep chickens indoors but where they can see what surrounds them. A probation when they are feathered, where they can leave the premises but they are still feeding inside the cage, so as to maintain a link with the precinct in which they develop. And finally the food is reduced once they are capable of short flights that will become increasingly independent.
The Hacking has been used successfully in other cities and in recent years has taken place in Valencia in order to observe the flight of the stranger in the sky in Valencia.
The introduction of a super-predator such as the peregrine falcon will bring a better balance in the ecological systems of the city and contributing to biological control of some species from a time now they are becoming true public health problems that make the control of their populations by the municipality of Valencia is a real headache.
video frame by metal ring, chip reading and recognition of one of the chickens released by hacking in the city of Valencia / watch? v = sq28sSqz_wg & feature = player_embedded
Video of the carrier set for hacking technique of pregrinos reintroduced in the city of Valencia.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Remote Host Said: 554 Delivery Error
On Wednesday 3/6/2009 it was a new day Paser in nurseries, where we were banding from 7:00 to 11:30 and in which a total of 17 banded birds the following species:
- Turdus merula 2
- Passer 3 domesticus
- Carduelis chloris 1
- Sturnus unicolor
- Serinus Serinus
- 1 Erithacus rubecula Streptopelia
- decaocto 1
- Muscicapa striata (at least 1)
I have to say that the accounts do not go because the station is separated into 2 different areas and only data I have recorded one of them while the rest are birds banded in another area of \u200b\u200bthe station by Javier García Gans and I have not collected data on their side of the station.
Javi I invite you to complete the entry with the data collected by you on this day.
I have to say that in cases where identification was possible that the percentage of females who had plaque incubatriz captured in all its stages is 100% which indicates that, despite banding chicks and fledglings of some species are still being produced by incubations of adults marked.