intensive campaign in Castilla La Mancha This summer, the group L'Albufera Banding Study and has had some work to do and it's coming together in the step postnuptial many interesting campaigns in which we are participating for some years. Monitoring of European populations of swallows and wagtails that year after year we are Aporo valuable information about distances and routes chosen for these migrations, campaigns banding waders we make in the Albufera Natural Park and which we already 4 years collecting data about the behavior of these birds as they pass through the marsh and intensive campaign paseriormes ringing in step postnuptial.
In this case the campaign was conducted between 15 to 26 August and was first located in the town of Puerto Lápice (Ciudad Real).
The results are very satisfactory and invite the repetition of the experience in future years in order to study the population fluctuations from year to year.
The great diversity that is obtained in terms of number of species gives a wealth of bird life that exists in these ecosystems with cultures of olive groves and vineyards.
Lanius senator
Merops apiaster
Oriolus Oriolus
Sylvia communis
Sylvia hortensis