very small the world felt as he watched the endless wall that used to cut the sky.
Does this mole would be higher than the infinite?
The metallic sounds were soon stun wander in the afternoon. Every day is repeated, as these children to ring the bell, to salute the flag.
At least that accounted for those years, the monotony.
But the fear of hammers bouncing a hole between the bricks, shaped like a monastery window, did not prevent the daring, climb the high wall.
"Curiosity is always a good start ... thought.
Y no tardó en escalar los primeros escasos setenta centímetros cuando el dolor la empujó hasta las rojas piedritas, escombradas por la caída.
-No será el último intento, le gimió a la muralla sonora. Algo siniestro se esconde tras ese sonido agudo de golpeteo.
Dos tardes perdidas, y la lluvia solo invitaba a leer los clásicos libros de dorado lomo y hojas tan finas como las que usaba para calcar esos ininteligibles mapas. Llenos de fronteras, donde la líneas se curvaban sin dejar pasar el agua de algún río o los pájaros se detenían en medio de su vuelo, suspendidos en el aire, por no tener nacionalidad?
Así se sentían las duras líneas junto a la tinta china y algún plumín grating, leaving his hand tight from the habit of lifting his little finger so as not to spot the excellent future decorate all maps copied neatly with such class and again without looking at the boundaries. No matter. However
the smell of these pages was very special in those books that kept jealous and that should take care more than the maps. He even passed his tongue, but resist the temptation to feel its taste and so surrender to the fullness of the story more relaxed. Because the ceremony is very important to choose the light, place and the silence so that nothing interferes with the story. All that ran through the mind in a split second, before being transported to the scale generated by each new novel chosen and looking for a more timely containment home.
The sun was on the wall, the window is hardly distinguished, but he knew that the occult out from there. Again the pain in his stomach and hit with a loud noise almost infernal pace, each time it hurt more, because the annoying sound prevented the opportunity, while the afternoon running, assume reach that loud mouth and finally able to uncover such giant plot!
"Today is the day, was proposed as the dreaded echo is deafening shouts and boos amounted unknown voices, and the agonizing doubts that mixed with a final muffled by the night. He looked anxiously
staircase was laughing, because with just twelve steps could not hope would never be a detective.
-Dad in the barn is a very thick rope and a hook-shaped that you can support your weight and make it a heroin barrial. thought.
Because at that time passed too many weird things out there, first appeared lifeless professor's wife and then not let her play on the sidewalk because he had missed a satyr.
A satyr? who was that? There was a dreadful
ugly look and tone in the mother's voice when he referred to that event.
would be similar to the sound that came through that window, or maybe something more serious?
That afternoon knew the answer, just as missing eight inches so that his hand passed through the window ledge in the dark. A hoarse voice froze the blood and ordered him to come down slowly from his climbing adventure.
respectful and obedient, he was in violation logic spy who, unaware that she was about to be subjected to the most cruel act committed.
Two months passed, when he accompanied his father who took his little hand and led her to a garage, greasy smell of stinking, filthy pit where we were pulling down and follow him. And he ended up paralyzed
when joined voice and image of the face that stared.
the orient himself for not raising this late wall to become a journalist finds macabre and cut his bold quest of curiosity.
could not tell what happened to his father because he had stolen the initiative to climb the walls of the crudest form imaginable. Again
mingled loud noise in his head, along with the pain in the pit of my stomach, but not from the other side of the high window because he saw it as a mirror right before your eyes.
and decided to climb to infinity, to be the secret. Without anything to cut the sky.