Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Exotic Meats In San Antonio

Gelida BANDING DAY. You are here

December 20th Today I have come to the Station Dam to ring in a cold winter day with the record low temperature of the year with 4 degrees below zero.

The truth is that they wanted too cold but the fact remains that these frigid days are usually quite productive at least in the case of the finches.

I was not mistaken, I had to withdraw with 148 catches for the simple fact of running out of rings and I'm sure that with support, while providing rings and we comfortably exceeded the two hundred birds.

note is the strong presence of finches compared to previous weeks. Low temperatures the past few days seem to have shifted a few copies of the interior highlands to areas near the coast more thermally comfortable.
Significantly greenfinches capture of 96 compared with 10 of the previous day and the capture of 21 new Lugano without banding.

greenfinches's population during the autumn-winter experience a significant increase in effective (at least in the Mediterranean area) by the influx of individuals wintering in the rest of Europe mainly France, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium on the basis of recoveries and used as the main gateway to the peninsula in the Pyrenees Orientales.

Well, from what I have seen to date local copies (with a distinctly sedentary but can also make a shorter distance movements) make quite variable and extensive silent (in the case of juveniles) may even reach the complete change in many copies.
However, the process moves on copies Central migratory patterns seem to follow "book", juvenile and adult VP VC moves with well-defined limits, pointed rectrices, greater coverts retained external, not replaced flight feathers which makes distinguishable from local individuals.

The final outcome of the day catch was 148 distributed as follows:

Serin (Serinus Serinus) 96 (5 controls)
Lugano (carduelis spinus) 50 (29 controls)
Greenfinch (Carduelis clhoris) 1
Chaffinch (F.coelebs) 1 (1 Rec)

Serin code 3. December

patent Limit coverts molt more

pointed rectrices

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cervical Erosion And Ttc

..¡¡¡ Lugano AGAIN! Owls

Indeed the Lugano are here again.
In the last 5 winters have been allowed to see 4 of them and I believe this is something quite unusual in these latitudes.
I have spent many years observing the migratory behavior of these birds and do not remember anything like it. The raids followed one another more slowly over time (up to 3 years apart.)

Here at banding station Dam (Manises) we banded over 3000 during the last years and this winter in just three days we have ringed over 100 copies which is bringing us valuable information.
That if both last winter and this step is being relatively quiet compared to other years (winters of 05/06 and 07/08) and include the high percentage of recoveries. By the way including a juvenile 3 with Italian forwards. It is fascinating to see how
ringed Lugano in 2005 and subsequent raids that have left do not appear suddenly in the winter of 2009.
These recoveries are produced gradual, and throughout the winter are coming specimens ringed in previous years almost to the beginning of March.
I detailed the last day at the station the day 12.06.2009 Dam:

Lugano (Carduelis spinus) 33 (2 Rec.otros years + 7 controls).
chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) 23
Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) 7
Sardinian warbler (Sylvia melanocephala) 2
Robin (Erithacus rubecula) 1
Serin (Serinus Serinus) 10 (2 Rec)

I put 2 photos.

Any doubt about the age?

determine the age of this guy is great for beginners because it illustrates very well the molting process permitendo clearly see the boundaries.

adult male

juvenile male specimen

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Nud Audible Alarm Definition


On Tuesday December 8 Albufera banding group held another day of ringing in the municipality of Quart Poblet, in an area near the plant Fervasa waste. The day lasted from 13:30 to 20:15 and it was banded a total of 16 birds of 5 species.
  • common Nets 11 (Phylloscopus collybita)
  • 1 Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)
  • 1 Blackbird (Turdus merula)
  • 1 Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla)
  • 2
  • common Owl (Athene noctua)
banding Among these were two very interesting recaptures :

chiffchaff presenting a ring: HJ5520 and age was determined as 4
A common owl was ringed with ring 5049127 for himself banding group on 14/4/2007 as age 5 with what today would be a 9. Unfortunately it proved impossible to photograph in this issue but will try to recapture it in future occasions to study best adult plumage of this species.

the moment a few pictures of these small Strigiformes we rejoiced the day:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What Does French Vanilla Cake Taste Like?


This Weekend Banding weeks Albufera The group has performed a session of ringing in the vineyards of Castilla La Mancha. In the municipality of Puerto Lápice. It must be said that the journey has not been nothing productive due to weather conditions.
The morning dawned with a thick wet fog that all because of this the greatest catch of birds in the early hours of the morning was not possible and start banding tube approximately about 11: 30 in the morning when the fog began to clear. The result was satisfactory but very little. And thrushes were caught 2 common and a female chaffinch. here is an image of a catch.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Invitation To Pastor's Anniversary

Illuminated Second Season Maria Magdalena (Ana Catalina Valencia)

Photo: Eduardo Galo

rose in the night a voice call to John three times, as in households where someone will Death: John opened the window, leaned out to measure the depth of the shade and saw God. I saw nothing but sheets of the bed and tied them to the rope, fire flies thrive in the earth like stars, so he seemed to sink into the sky. I lost sight of that turncoat unable to prefer a woman to breast of God.

Mary Magdalene: Ana Catalina Valencia
direction and staging: Eduardo Gutierrez de la Cruz

Sample Invocation To A Birthday Party

In this life I'm in my dream

I am not my own

who do not know who I am is

and lives through this fog that I am

all the lives that so far no one is life I

am Tues: tide Rugo low crest

but my color is the sky above

and only when I am I fled. Fernando Pessoa

Friday, October 2, 2009

Chinese Bang With Wave Weave

intensive campaign in Castilla La Mancha

This summer, the group L'Albufera Banding Study and has had some work to do and it's coming together in the step postnuptial many interesting campaigns in which we are participating for some years. Monitoring of European populations of swallows and wagtails that year after year we are Aporo valuable information about distances and routes chosen for these migrations, campaigns banding waders we make in the Albufera Natural Park and which we already 4 years collecting data about the behavior of these birds as they pass through the marsh and intensive campaign paseriormes ringing in step postnuptial.

In this case the campaign was conducted between 15 to 26 August and was first located in the town of Puerto Lápice (Ciudad Real).

The results are very satisfactory and invite the repetition of the experience in future years in order to study the population fluctuations from year to year.

The great diversity that is obtained in terms of number of species gives a wealth of bird life that exists in these ecosystems with cultures of olive groves and vineyards.



Lanius senator

Merops apiaster

Oriolus Oriolus

Sylvia communis

Sylvia hortensis

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What Type Of Weave Does Lala Wear?

Rony ♥

Today, Taboada Perez Family Sadness wears as a member, falls into the cold hands of death, Rony, found you today, but not so cold and dead, your Do not choose this fate, but that he did pay, in this life or in life, under the hand of your beloved, six years ago and is part of our hearts, You who came a May 2, 2003 (the day David Beckham's birthday eh there one of your names) of your bitch mother's womb (Crazy), because today I blame the old dog that stole the life of your body hairy golden brown, I blame the fucking wrong, and my damn selfishness mourn your death, you and you will essence in our lives, I do not think never to see a dog with all your features, you and only you the animal that ate peanut butter cookies, you who are going to fire every night when I got into the house to keep sergei you were run over when going to the store, you who celebrated goals with my parents, you who hated pigeons and driven away in Greece, you who with a chu chu! you made a planned scandal, you who with a bibi bibi! you were moving your ass in the most cheerful as tikitiki! you and only you, many dogs have been through this family and few have left their mark, but you! not only has left its mark, if you've left your life and now your body in this house and this family, which miss you every moment, no dog snores like you, no dog bark like you, you took care of us and slept a lot! rony only your dog with your thousand and one tricks so beloved!
miss you, miss you and love you! Rony
thousand and one thanks for all times.

PS We love you ♥ forever & ever in the world

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Best Brand Of Concealer

Deep Thoughts The contrast

NO mind me to tell me witch ........ while I stayed with the prince : p. Eh
here a clear example.

so when it is, I go to sleep ♥

With a thief so , Asaltenme

As I ♥ Drowning

So until I saw a man ♥

Auuuu ! And I hear AHUY the Blue Moon ♥

Trees by a single master Reason

nom The roses and love,, but could make a esepcion

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Travel Trailer Frolic

  • and an environmentalist said : We are the advocates of a with condemned to death who is innocent ... Mother Earth!
  • fell into a trance : I was seduced by soft melodies caused by wind, in his strong arms and huge I was protected, peace flooded my body as water and from several feet up I saw my body to rest, fell into a trance that I would return and whisper like being in the water return .. with cold to the world.
  • Someone : and I never find him, which complemented the one hand that no one knew, one side only to be awakened by his side, my spirit.
  • Family: yesterday I can say I saw my family ever had, woke up with a smile and be happy to be your side.
  • Grandfather: miss it strange in a subtle and painful, like a needle in and out and makes me fall into the reality that I will not see your physical side, but I hear your voice among the whispering trees that I care.
  • Thanks: and I thank that little tree for a few seconds lent me his shadow and care for my .
  • Drawing: and let my hands a sheet of paper filled with tears and desolation coal thinking.
  • The : if I could tell something serious: return to me.
  • So ngs : and let it slowly penetrate me, Comberti counselors are in my mind, I encourage, I get depressed, I seduce and feed on and passion for life, because I am and I'm .

PS. Fails drugs ok, no, "said Janette you addict (and only 10 years old): P

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Drinkwell Vs Original

We have moved!

I notice, dear reader, if you've got here, serve please visit us at our new domain http://lasletrasmudas.com/ . Editorial silent letters has grown and is thanks to you. In this new location will find new entries to date.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hidden Blade How Make


I have to say first of all that for me is a great experience to banding these species because they are my weakness. Large predators at the end of the food chain and the ecosystem balancing species rapeces are the main characters of this post. This last week I was able to attend the banding of a kestrel nest in the meadow of Saler who had a chicken and two chicks banding owls in the end of Quart de Poblet.
In the first case takes 3 years breeding pairs nesting in this place and it is an infertile couple because it has never taken on more than 2 chickens, in both 2007 and 2008 was the start of 4 eggs, 3 of which were fertilized and 3 chickens always one died this year alone has lifted a chicken as well as later that the owners have told us the balcony had symptoms have suffered trichomoniasis, a disease that is now being widely among raptors and especially among kestrels because this year is to increase the incidence and chickens have come and kestrels that had to treat the disease. Fortunately for us the partner of the Gola of Puchol keeps returning to the same balcony every year and we can keep track of his productions, from here a sincere thanks to the owners of the floor from being so sensitive to the nesting of this bird of prey and to avoid inconvenience as far as possible.

Breeding of Cerníacalo ( Falco tinnunculus) brought forth by a partner located in the Gola of Puchol, El Saler (Valencia).

In the case of owls bred in a nest box placed by a colleague of ours, Angel, who for several years has been concerned that these predators have places to nest safely. In this case the evolution in the 5 years that the owl breeding pair there is the following: 2005 (2 chickens), 2006 (3 chickens), 2007 (2 chickens), 2008 (not nested and the nest box was empty) , 2009 (3 chickens, one of whom has died).

metal ring placed on the left tarsus of breeding, with registration and code of the environment ministry.

ringed chicks had a good health, in the case of owls, both weighing over 80 grams. On the other hand, the situation of the nest box, very exposed and high temperatures reached in our visit favored the 2 owl chicks were ventilated. One of the possible causes of death may be just the high temperature at which the chicks are subjected together with the already mentioned trichomoniasis. S unattachable dead chick did not appear in the nest box, we thought it was the mother, continuing a pattern of hygienic behavior withdrew it from the box to prevent the arrival of insects that might endanger the rest of the brood.

annealing process chickens Owl (Athene noctua ) in a nest box in Quart de Poblet.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nappies And Plastic Pants Helped My Bed Wetting


Finally this Saturday 09/06/1914 I found a hole to banding in the resort of La Presa.
The land is swarming with life (should include the plague of mosquitoes) and the truth is that it is a delight to see so many birds together and as varied species.
sides of finches A feeding must add at least 3 pairs of bee-eater (Merops apiaster) have used a slope of the land to breed, I have also found a nest of owl (Athene noctua) with chicks and one of the hoopoe (Upupa epops) in two separate two holes carob.
The intermittent presence of the Sardinian warbler, black starlings, magpies, tit, tit and other birds add color to the place. I focused
finches task and so far have hardly been ringed juveniles so I focus on the network of soil and keep it simple existence only got 2 networks with Japanese idea of \u200b\u200bbalancing the performance of future passer station. Highlight
already been present the first common doves (Streptopelia turtur) juveniles accompanied by adults but not got any capture. (they are extremely cautious)
As delirious shout of the day included the capture of an owl about 6:45 am with ground network which came to drink water! to my amazement and shock of the finches were present who thought it went to them.

Altogether 139 specimens were captured, distributed as follows:

  • 104 Serin (12 recoveries, ringing out a copy in 2005)
  • Sardinian warbler 2
  • Owl 1
  • Abejaruco 1 (female maximum incubatriz plate)
  • House Sparrow Greenfinch 16
  • 4 (2 Retrieval.)
  • Goldfinch 1
  • Turkish Tortola 9
  • Blackbird 1

Owl (Athene noctua) caught during the day.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bone Spurs Post Tooth Extraction

THE Redshank Lost in the ALBUFERA?

this Sunday have been watching two different species of Redshank in the center of interpretation of Raco de L'Olla. Along with avocets, stilts, jars, terns, ducks and gulls have appeared two figures is not very common sight in these places and more at this time, there are two species of Redshank, the clear Redshank (Tringa nebularia) and Spotted Redshank (Tringa erythropus .)

is a pleasant surprise to find two specimens of these species feeding on the lagoon, first by the lack of sightings of both species throughout the Mediterranean and, secondly, because due to the dates on which we , individuals of these species should be in their breeding areas far from the gaps in the Albufera Natural Park.

Both dark-clear Redshank are ivernantes species in very small numbers and specific points of the English coast.

For Tringa erythropus is a species that breeds in the open forest tundra in northern Europe and Asia and is distributed throughout the year so widely dispersed throughout Europe and can reach points of equatorial Africa remain a long-distance migratory in Spain can be seen during pre-and post-nuptial migration.

This species has a winter in Spain is scarce and highly concentrated in the marshlands of the Guadalquivir and Ebro Delta (85% of sightings).

nebularia has many aspects of their ecology similar to T. erythropus as breeding sites overlap and dispersal strategy and migration follows similar patterns, however T. nebularia tolerates salinity ranges in the wetlands which is located this species (euryhaline), found in saline wetlands, brackish and fresh water and therefore the alternatives on the species when the winter. Thus we find both in the Mediterranean wetlands and the Ebro delta and the Salinas de San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia), as in the wetlands of North and West English as Villaviciosa and the estuaries of Arosa or estuary the Umia in Galicia.

Therefore, if both should now be breeding in the tundra of northern Europe and Asia for thousands of miles from the Albufera ... they are doing these two guys here? Three options are being considered for the moment, in the first place could be that these individuals had been disoriented during migration due to bad weather and have ended up lost on our shores. This option is not new for every year individuals of species listed what is known as the Nearctic (provinientes of America). Last year was sighted up to 5 Pectoral Sandpiper, Calidris melanotos in marshes of the lagoon or Northeast Asia as two years ago with the Agujeta escolopacea ( Limnodromus scolopaceus ) appeared in the Albufera proviniente of the North Eastern shores of Russia.
Another option being considered is to try juveniles as there are cases of waders in which nuptial migration not perform all individuals but only those who can ensure reproductive success. So young individuals do not perform the migration at least in its first year of life, for the Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea ).
The third option is an intermediate solution to the first two ie, that individuals found in the lagoon are individuals who have begun the migration and who have exhausted energy reserves during the same so have had to stop halfway to regain strength and feeding. It is known that migration is an activity that consumes an enormous amount of energy and also the long distance migratory birds, as in the case before us, obvious geographical references used for guidance in your trip, so the migration routes birds usually pass through the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts is so easy that due to the weakening of individuals have finished their journey into the lagoon. This stop dates that are being caused these individuals we see in the Raco de L'Olla have not been replicated this year.