December 20th Today I have come to the Station Dam to ring in a cold winter day with the record low temperature of the year with 4 degrees below zero.
The truth is that they wanted too cold but the fact remains that these frigid days are usually quite productive at least in the case of the finches.
I was not mistaken, I had to withdraw with 148 catches for the simple fact of running out of rings and I'm sure that with support, while providing rings and we comfortably exceeded the two hundred birds.
note is the strong presence of finches compared to previous weeks. Low temperatures the past few days seem to have shifted a few copies of the interior highlands to areas near the coast more thermally comfortable.
Significantly greenfinches capture of 96 compared with 10 of the previous day and the capture of 21 new Lugano without banding.
greenfinches's population during the autumn-winter experience a significant increase in effective (at least in the Mediterranean area) by the influx of individuals wintering in the rest of Europe mainly France, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium on the basis of recoveries and used as the main gateway to the peninsula in the Pyrenees Orientales.
Well, from what I have seen to date local copies (with a distinctly sedentary but can also make a shorter distance movements) make quite variable and extensive silent (in the case of juveniles) may even reach the complete change in many copies.
However, the process moves on copies Central migratory patterns seem to follow "book", juvenile and adult VP VC moves with well-defined limits, pointed rectrices, greater coverts retained external, not replaced flight feathers which makes distinguishable from local individuals.
The final outcome of the day catch was 148 distributed as follows:
Serin (Serinus Serinus) 96 (5 controls)
Lugano (carduelis spinus) 50 (29 controls)
Greenfinch (Carduelis clhoris) 1
Chaffinch (F.coelebs) 1 (1 Rec)
Serin code 3. December
patent Limit coverts molt more
pointed rectrices
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