To be one with all living things, come back in a happy oblivion of himself, the whole of nature. Often reached the summit ... but a moment's reflection it is enough for the falling down. Meditate, and I feel like it was before, just with all the pains own mortal condition, and the asylum of my heart, a world entirely disappears, nature crosses his arms, and I to stand before her as a stranger, and I do not understand. I wish I had not ever been to your schools, because in them is where I became so reasonable, I learned to differ fundamentally from what surrounds me, I'm isolated from the beauty of the world, have been expelled from the garden and nature , where it grew and blossomed, and I August to midday sun. Oh, yes! The man is a god when he dreams and a beggar when he reflects.
In: Hyperion or the Hermit in Greece
In: Hyperion or the Hermit in Greece
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