LIDIA: Seven days so many days for love! Seven days is seven circles of hell for loving, I'm tired ... Look, I'm tired of seeing clockworks as the sand falls endlessly in this dying body ... You are hard on you, Sophia. At night you also weep or into the abyss of the soul. Hueco deep vacuum away from light! dark night we p roasting, dying light goes off! No more philosophical bacteria which are reproduced on a whim of ours, or silkworm our bones entangled, or spinning life, nor knowledge, nor hidden edges or spells on maps of the brain, or threading stars, planets, constellations and Milky Ways in his hair! I do not want to be wise, prophet, saint, or elected!
SOFIA: Do you get well before the holy and the divine? Bitch! I only like meat, they touch you, you fornicate ... Wicked! Desecrate! ...
LIDIA: Yes profane, but not black bitch ...
SOFIA: know I have the power and Ezekiel belongs to me, I know you've got your body possessed by lust, full of mud Lydia! Hezekiah is just the meat ... Meat! ... and waste human flesh, molding it, gets caught or if you like it disappears.
LIDIA: Ezekiel, I am damned in the eyes of God, the flesh only is my salvation, you must get me out of here ... There will be only light, touching the requiem sacred ... But just believe in the requiem that emerges from the music and the singing of two bodies and two loving mouths.
Lidia: Tanya
Sofia Cosio: Ana Catalina Valencia
Ezekiel Jesus Aguirre
Assistant: J. Faride Beyruti
Address: Constantino de la Cruz
Photo: Nasheli Baxin
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