LOS ANGELES - Blake Griffin, the star of Los Angeles Clippers , will be named on Wednesday as the Rookie of the Year in the NBA, the AP said a person familiar with the news.
The person spoke Tuesday night on condition of anonymity because there was no official announcement. The Clippers called a press conference to announce the delivery of an award, and Rookie of the Year Award is the only remaining this season.
The triumph of power forward as no surprise to anyone after a spectacular campaign. Griffin, chosen with the first round of the 2009 draft, was a leader among rookies in points and rebounds after missing all of last year by una fractura de la rótula.
Griffin tuvo promedios de 22,5 puntos y 12,1 rebotes, además de 3,8 asistencias, y jugó los 82 partidos por los Clippers. Sus espectaculares clavadas lo convirtieron en uno de los jugadores más populares en la liga.
Griffin fue elegido al Juego de Estrellas y ganó la competencia de clavadas al saltar por encima de un vehículo.
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