Who said that the arrangement was only a matter of the human species? Is it only the man who seeks strutting around girls?, Are we the only kids we like to "fix" to win the girls?
Nothing is further from reality in the world of birds is also the most handsome boy is the most league. Unfortunately for us, the ugly, the success with girls, oddly enough, is a matter of nothing less than Natural Selection, namely Selection Sexual.
Most of the "decisions" taken significant in nature have to do, how could it be otherwise, with sex.
Females of all species, including humans, seek, unconsciously, and although many readers it hurts, leave more offspring as possible. And those who intend to act otherwise be going against the designs of nature.
Guided by an instinct that is determined by genes, and therefore, is handed down from generation to generation, the female their genes is not lost on the population and the continued existence in the next generation.
This at first glance may seem rather cold and simpleton is the basic rule of "survival of the fittest" which enunciated the biological father of Charles Darwin.
fact is the nature of all species that their genes try to endure and, therefore, females have a biological need to choose a male that is able to provide the best selection of genes that, combined with yours, can leave most offspring.
ugly man, pathetic animal, tries to trick the female, trying to disguise these genes mediocre, and decked out to party to try to disguise their shortcomings, as in biology, health and ability to leave offspring are closely related to the appearance.
In the world of birds, how could it be otherwise, is exactly the same as in man. Individuals who submit the most striking features, namely those that are bigger, stronger, have more brilliant colors or higher will sing those lucky enough to be chosen by females for procreate, y. .. make no mistake, we love the male reproductive!
So there is a strong selection pressure in nature as it slowly moves the focus by females, generation after generation, those more colorful males.
Because of this, I explain to new readers in the art that most bird species change some or all of their feathers before playing in order to "spruce up" to girls and try to conquer.
mallard (Anas platyrhynchos ) winters with inconspicuous brown plumage, HOWEVER, in summer dresses up with a most striking plumage.
The Little Egret (Egretta garzetta ) adopts special bridal feathers whose sole function is to impress females.
is famous procession of the Great Bustard (Otis tarda )
And the world of small passerine birds is no exception. The Bluethroat (Luscinia svecica ) adopts a blanket of spectacular blue tone during courtship.
In short, the behavior of the male, regardless of the species as we can see, is governor of biological laws, so ... women on earth, not judge our actions. Are the fruits of our nature!
recommended related books and reading:
- The Origin of Species (Charles Darwin)
- gene selfish (Richard Dawkins)
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