news was published yesterday in the Journal of the provinces concerning the Albufera I could not resist commenting. The news, which made headlines, alluded to the cleaning of the perimeter of Lake Albufera. Obviously
we all rejoice that initiatives like this go ahead by the city of Valencia, in fact I hope that initiatives like this were enacted more assiduously to care for and maintain all places of Valencia with a high ecological value environment such as the Natural Park which we refer.
just wanted to mention a small detail, as I say, the measure has been taken is commendable, but in my humble point of view clearly insufficient. Everyone who knows a little about the situation of the Albufera is aware of the serious problem you have. La Albufera, although we do not like hearing it, is sick. The lake has lost in the last century much of the biodiversity that existed in many of the faunal and plant communities have been severely depleted and this is due to the state of eutrophication of the lake.
I explain here, for those unfamiliar with the term "eutrophication", basically, what happens to the waters of the lake is to have high organic matter inputs and this has serious ecological consequences in the ecosystem.
The high organic matter inputs such as chemicals nitrates and phosphates from agriculture support the growth of bacteria and unicellular algae that are developed to remove oxygen from the environment in which they live and to bring that murky color, which in turn prevents the passage of light, so necessary for macrophytes develop that form the basis of many food webs should be given into the lagoon.
This species have been lost some time there in the lake, is the notorious case of Fartet (Aphanius ibericus ) and Samaruc ( Valentia hispanica) or bird species already mentioned as the case of Whiskered Tern ( Chlidonias hybrida) or the mustached ( Panurus biarmicus ) with a large decline in their populations to the point of almost disappearing from the Natural Park.
I say, that the measure, in my view, is clearly insufficient. Look at it this way: suppose we have a failure at home and located a leak that is flooding our house and how far we can think of cleaning the floor. Solution? ... Obviously not. Basically this is what is being proposed from the City Council, I reiterate that these actions are always welcome but ... Did you ever have walked the periphery of the lake readers? If so be noted that, systematically, every weekend, in the maze of canals and waterways that touch the lake, proliferate, which plague, a crowd of fishermen, from all countries and nationalities and mostly unlicensed engaged remove the little that survives in the lake. In this situation the Guardia Civil and Local Police are unfortunately, in many cases turned a blind eye y. .. Would not happen to have returned to these same readers ditches after a few days there?
fact, every weekend the Albufera just turned into a big trash water where you can find plenty of objects. From tins and cans to drums and even shoes on the banks of these canals and floating in the water.
A very sad picture that I think will be difficult to remove with a passenger simple facelift.
Suffice to confirm the inefficacy of the measure is another story published on July 30, 2008. Less than a year!
solution? certainly complex and not immediate, greater social awareness work Gentlemen, this is a NATURAL PARK!. Greater control of activities carried out around the Albufera and the imposition of sanctions. Information dissemination and ecological wealth is to have the Park .. y. course plans and projects that will ultimately lead to the Albufera return to what it was, a freshwater coastal lake with a high value ecological wealth.
subenciĆ³n Promotion and organic rice especially in the vicinity of Lake aproteic avoiding the waste and pesticides derived from agricultural activity, thorough control of wastewater from industries and municipalities in the periphery of the lake, treatment and purification these waters and recovery of lost ecosystems, such as marshes in good condition and as ullals (of which we'll talk some other day).
in this direction is working from the Ministry of Environment with the ambitious Water Project in the province of Valencia affect in a direct way to the Natural Park of La Albufera.
Hopefully, little by little social awareness and above all politicians directly affect the improvement in biological quality of the Albufera.
Related News:
- past environmental reconstruction of the Albufera.
- Project cleaning of the Albufera.
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