From CMA (Bird Migration Centre) and supported by SEO / BirdLife, carried out an ambitious project in terms of participation referred to throughout the English territory. Thus, ringers all over the country are part voluntarily in this project by banding efforts during the breeding season of birds from mid-April to mid July.
The task of these volunteers is to set points or banding stations where they do this work regularly. These visits should be as similar as possible in terms of time invested and nets set, so you can compare the number of rings from a visit to another and that these variations in the rings can be attributed to cycles biological birds and not to changes in the methodology carried out by the bander.
Banding a Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
is therefore studying the breeding bird populations, the density of individuals of each population, the dates during which lengthens the breeding of chickens and the number of chickens observed compared with adults (the scientific term is productivity).
The study group and banding L'Albufera to which I belong as part of this ambitious project to work with 3 stations scattered throughout the ciuidad PASER valence and its environment.
- PASER Station "The Carraixet." Barranco del Carraixet (Alboraya). Raul Vera.
- PASER Station "The Ratlla." Natural Reserve of La Ratlla, La Albufera. (Valencia). Javier García Gans.
- PASER Station "nurseries." Jardines de Viveros. (Valencia). Salvador Javier García Gans and Thomas.
- PASER Station "Dam." Urbanización La Presa. (Manises). Julian Puchades.
- PASER Station "Pipe." Natural Reserve of La Pipa. (Catarroja). SEO Ardea.
banders and ornithologists
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