
. Dear
The reason we write is to announce the call for trials for our new edition, "least seven" (-7), which for this occasion will address how the relationships Weaving between past and present in "Life in retro?"
With "Life in retro? "we review the dynamics used for the development and construction of the different manifestations of the past -with different aspects and variables, which are rescued and represented by the contemporary mass media (radio, television, Internet), and invasion, involvement and importance in the sensitivity of society in the last ten years : 2000 - 2010. Is this phenomenon a reflection or product of what it is? Is it symptom or sign of a social event and finished or in full training? How it should be interpreted taking into account here (Peru, Andean Area South America, the non-First World) and now (beginning of a new century) in which it is?. It is a good opportunity to discuss, among other things, the fetish for the ghosts, the idealization through nostalgia, or the continuous recycling of fashions, customs and practices of the past.
magazine sections that need your participation are Kaleidoscope and Interstices . To Kaleidoscope the subject is free, only texts we questioned about the arts in general: literature, music, film, theater, art, comics, etc.., Or on any particularly or on the links that may exist between two or more of them and they often go unnoticed. The extension is for three to four pages (1500 words maximum). To Interstices , however, the issue is the number ("Life in retro?"), But can be from any perspective, as well as freedom of creed professed profess also methods. The extension is five to six pages (2500 words maximum). Always in Times New Roman 12 point and double spacing.
For both sections the texts we rescued this contribution subjective (personal history, experiences, emotions) of the drafters, so often neglected, and that can make your opinion invite the critical reflection and open debate. Let's leave it clear: they are not scholarly articles or reviews, are testing. Therefore, the style is open and we have no fear if you want to mix different genres and discourses, narratives, poems, lyrics, etc.. The deadline is March 31, 2011, and is sending an email to: estereograma@gmail.com
As you may know, Stereogram is a unique magazine, as soon as you get the number zero end its cycle. So do not miss this opportunity.
The Editorial Committee
* The image belongs to the Peruvian painter Herman Braun Vega
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